Process versions management
How does version management work?
You can now manage multiple versions of the same process. You can create these multiple versions to:
Test some changes to your process without modifying the active process (the one that is running)
To have snapshots that work as a milestone in the making of your process
Track the changes your process has been through.
Among many other uses.
We call ‘Active version’ (or Active process) to the version of the process that is actually running in your workspace. This active version is the only one you’ll be able to Deploy. At any time you'll be able to switch the active version, that is, replacing the active version for another one you've previously modeled.
Once you switch the active version, you have to deploy the process so new instances (and old too, if the migration flag is enabled) run under the new process rules. The version that was "active" will now become a version you can edit in the background. Keep in mind you’ll be able to make it the Active version again at any time.
Enable process versions
To enable process versions in a particular process, navigate to the ‘Process Settings’ tab, scroll down to the ‘Process Versions’ section and select 'Yes'.

Manage process versions
If you enable process versions, you’ll now see a blue button next to ‘Deploy process’. After clicking the button, a popup will open from which you’ll be able to manage the versions of that process.

Versions Management Window
Once the popup window appears, you’ll see an ‘Active version’ tag next to the active version name.

Each new version will have its own toolbar.

Toolbar Buttons
Visible date is the last update date (a tooltip indicates which user modified it the last time).
The (?) icon has a tooltip that states who created this version and when.
The pencil icon allows you to modify a version (disabled for currently editing version).
The trophy icon allows you to make any version the active version (disabled for currently active version).
The (+) icon allows you to create a new version based on that one.
The trash icon allows you to delete a version (disabled for both currently active version and currently editing version).
Each of these buttons displays a pre-confirmation popup to avoid mistakes.
Edit Process Versions
When you’re editing a version that is not the active version, you'll see a footnote in the process modeler that will remind you that you’re not editing the active version.

And also the popup will show you which process you are currently working on.

Important: Every task has its own ID. When you create a version, tasks are cloned and maintain those IDs so switching between versions should be pretty straightforward, but if you delete a task and create a new one with the same name it's actually not the same task. This can cause some instances won't migrate to the last version of the process (and many other potential problems).
Updated on: 26/03/2019
Thank you!