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Take task

Take task

When you click on the button Take task you will automatically assign the task you are in to yourself, deleting the previous assignment. This feature is very good for those tasks that are assigned to a role with several users and each of them decides which task to take.

How to take a task?

Simply enter a user task and click on the Take task icon (user with arrow) in the upper right corner between the reassign and print buttons.
In case of parallelism only the task you are in is taken, not all the tasks in parallel.

In the history of the instance it will be indicated as Task name - Action: [Task taken by <>] Done by User name - 2020-12-16 06:14:18

Once the change is made, that task will be identified in the inbox with a user icon, that icon means that you are the only one assigned to the task.

Updated on: 16/12/2020

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