User's trays (Inbox, Outbox, etc)
In their Inbox the users will find all the documents that have been assigned to them, either individually or through a role. Depending on whether or not you have defined a duration for the tasks, they will see the date in which they are due and, according to the color, they will see if they are overdue (red), if they have less than 24 hs left to complete them (yellow) or else the due date has not yet been reached (green).

When a user marks a document as starred (by clicking on the star that is found in the Inbox as well as on each task), this document will be visible in the Starred tray.

Every user will see in his/her Outbox the documents over he/she has acted upon. The documents will be stored in this section for 10 days after the completion of the task, provided that no one has taken another action on that same document in that period.

In the Finalized section you will be able to see all the documents that have been finalized and about which you have Reader when completed permission.

Inbox and Finalized trays can be filtered by Process or by Task. All trays can be sorted by Modification date and Identifier. Inbox can also be filtered by Due Date.
Updated on: 25/10/2018
Thank you!