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Enable/Disable integration with Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Sharepoint

In Flokzu you have the possibility to upload attachments from Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Sharepoint, fast and intuitively.

Whenever a Flokzu account is created, only the option to upload attachments from Google Drive will be enabled by default.

What happens if I enable this feature?

Once this feature is enabled, you'll be able to upload files using this integration either from the Attachments tab or from an attachment field.

How can I disable this feature?

To disable this feature, navigate to Configuration > Advanced go to the section 'Integration with external storage systems' and then disable the options.

Keep in mind that if you disable this feature, you will disable it for the entire account. You can't disable this integration for some processes and not for others.

Which are the advantages of uploading files from cloud storage apps?

If you upload files from Google or Microsoft, whenever those files are updated on that platform, they'll also be updated in Flokzu. In this way, you'll be able to manage time in your organization more efficiently since there won't be a need to upload the newest versions of each file whenever they're modified.

Updated on: 20/06/2024

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