Signature type field
Set up a signature field
To set up a signature field, simply drag the element from the box found at the right and drop it on an empty row.
Usefulness of signature fields
Imagine that you have divided the flow in a process so that different people can approve a process instance, if certain conditions are met.
By adding a signature field to your form, you'll be able to check quickly who was the person that approved each process instance.
Once that the Approver finally chooses to approve a process instance, he/she will need to enter his/her signature as shown in the image below.
Printing Signature type fields
The signature type field will appear on the instance printout and you can also include it in your print templates. This is very useful if you want to enter, for example, your own contract template where it is automatically populated with form fields and your counterparty's signature.
Signature fields can't be incluided on custom reports, featured fields, send tasks or service tasks. However, if you enter the process instance, you'll see the approver's signature for each process instance.
Updated on: 09/09/2024
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