Who can view Real Time & Historical reports?
By default, each time that a process is created the users that have the Business Analyst role will be able to access Realt Time & Historical reports of that process.

Users that have the Administrator role will always be able to access Real Time & Historical reports, even if they haven't being assigned to access them in a particular process.
In order to give permission to other users or roles to access Real Time & Historical reports, navigate through Process Settings > Access Reports and then select the users or roles to which you want to give this permission.

Once you have done this, the users or roles to which you have given this permission will be able to view the Metric & Reports section, where they'll be able to check the Reports of the process.
Keep in mind that those users to which you have given this permission will only be able to access the metrics associated with that particular process.

Users that have the Administrator role will always be able to access Real Time & Historical reports, even if they haven't being assigned to access them in a particular process.
Give access to Reports to other users
In order to give permission to other users or roles to access Real Time & Historical reports, navigate through Process Settings > Access Reports and then select the users or roles to which you want to give this permission.

Once you have done this, the users or roles to which you have given this permission will be able to view the Metric & Reports section, where they'll be able to check the Reports of the process.
Keep in mind that those users to which you have given this permission will only be able to access the metrics associated with that particular process.
Updated on: 25/10/2018
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