Scheduling Custom Reports to be sent via email
This feature is only available for organizations subscribed to our Premium plan
When creating a Custom Report you can schedule it so that the report results are sent periodically by email.

You can enter as many email addresses as you want, even if that email is not an invited user of Flokzu.
Use commas to separate multiple email addresses.
Scheduling frequency corresponds to the following days:
First day of the week = Every Monday
First day of the fortnight = 1st and 15th of each month
First day of the month = 1st of each month
First day of the quarter = January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and August 1st
First day of semester = January 1st and July 1st
First day of the year = January 1st
Scheduling frequency becomes very useful when combined with date-based conditions, especially those that filter previous dates. For example:
Every Monday you can receive a report with all instances created during the previous week.
Every 1st of each month you can receive a report with all instances completed the previous month.
If you want to change the frequency once activated, you must deactivate it, modify the frequency and activate it again.
On the corresponding day the recipients will receive an email with the attached report (. xlsx format). That mail cannot be customized. The format of the attached report will correspond to the selected filters and display options. If there is no data to display the file will be empty.
If you create a new report, you might notice that the button 'Activate schedule' is disabled. This is because you must first save the report. Once you have done so, the button will be enabled.
Activating the schedule will automatically save all changes made to the report.
If you select the condition Process Initiator Equal to Logged User when configuring the report, the scheduling will not be available.
When creating a Custom Report you can schedule it so that the report results are sent periodically by email.

You can enter as many email addresses as you want, even if that email is not an invited user of Flokzu.
Use commas to separate multiple email addresses.
Scheduling frequency corresponds to the following days:
First day of the week = Every Monday
First day of the fortnight = 1st and 15th of each month
First day of the month = 1st of each month
First day of the quarter = January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and August 1st
First day of semester = January 1st and July 1st
First day of the year = January 1st
Scheduling frequency becomes very useful when combined with date-based conditions, especially those that filter previous dates. For example:
Every Monday you can receive a report with all instances created during the previous week.
Every 1st of each month you can receive a report with all instances completed the previous month.
If you want to change the frequency once activated, you must deactivate it, modify the frequency and activate it again.
On the corresponding day the recipients will receive an email with the attached report (. xlsx format). That mail cannot be customized. The format of the attached report will correspond to the selected filters and display options. If there is no data to display the file will be empty.
If you create a new report, you might notice that the button 'Activate schedule' is disabled. This is because you must first save the report. Once you have done so, the button will be enabled.
Activating the schedule will automatically save all changes made to the report.
If you select the condition Process Initiator Equal to Logged User when configuring the report, the scheduling will not be available.
Updated on: 30/06/2021
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