What is a process in Flokzu?
A business process is a sequence of activities, performed by people or systems, to achieve an objective of the organization. The Form contains fields with data relevant to a certain process. For example, in a "Purchase Request" process, the fields will be Requester Name, Items requested, etc. How to set up the 'Process Form'? (/en/article/how-to-set-up-the-process-form-Few readersWhat are Process instances?
A process instance is a particular execution of a process. The modeling and configuration define the formal structure of a process. For example, the ‘Recruitment and Hiring’ process is unique, but each new application is a new process instance in Flokzu. Once a process instance is created in Flokzu, the assigned tasks will be executed according to the workflow you have defined. Create a process instance To create a process inPopularHow to create your first process?
To create your first process, go to the “My Processes” section on the side menu. Then, click the “New process” button to start a new process. Templates This will automatically open a new window in which you will see all pre-set forms (templates), such as “Recruitment an Hiring” or “Budget control”. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/ccc3fbb5dcFew readersDifference 'Save'/'Deploy Process'
Whenever you want to modify the settings or modeling of your process, it is necessary to bear in mind that these two actions (‘Save’ and ‘Deploy process’) produce different results. Save: you can keep the changes you have made to your process but they will not take effect in the instances until you publish them. Deploy process: this is the moment when the changes become definitive. The new instances will behave according to the published version.Few readers