How to setup the process 'workflow'? Basic elements
The ‘workflow’ is associated to a business process. It defines the structure of the tasks that conform a particular process, who makes them, in which order, how they are related (in sequence or in parallel), as well as all the other aspects that will define the operation of the process. Accordingly, each process of your organization (e.g. “Recruitment and Hiring”, “Office Supplies Request”, “Document Approval”, etc.) will have its particular workflow, which you will need to design from scratchPopularCall Web Services from the process workflow
In Flokzu you have the possibility to call Web Services REST to carry out different operations such as enter data into a form, send information to an external server or even assigning a task. How can I call a Web Service from the process workflow? The first thing you should do is to place a Service Task at any stage of your workflow where you want to make a service call to a Web Service. Finally,PopularConditional event and interruption of user tasks
The conditional event will listen to the changes in form fields and, in case that the condition defined on a conditional event is met, the path established as exit of the conditional event will be executed. The conditional event will always be listening to the changes as long as the task to which the conditional event is associated to has any active instances. For this reason, if a process instanceFew readersFlokzu Services Integration
In Flokzu you can easily call services of the Flokzu Public API to interact with your Databases or with other instances created.Few readersWhat is the difference between setting a due date and interruptive or non-interruptive timers?
Even if both due date and timers can be used independently, they can also be used jointly and complementarily. A task due date has the function of notifying the assignee about the time they have left (due date) to complete a task. Once the time or date are reached, no action will be executed. This feature is useful since it generates relevant information about the performance of your users regarding their tasks. On the other hand, timeFew readersAssign tasks through Web Services
In Flokzu you can assign tasks to different users through Web Service. This feature has many different uses. In this post we will discuss how to assign tasks to different approvers through Web Service. Let's imagine that each user has an approver that needs to check the information entered by the user. In this case, it wouldn't be useful to have the 'Approval' task assigned to a generic Approvers role. To achieve this approval logic through Web Services, you must follow these steps: CreaFew readersPrevious Participants
Who is considered a previous participant? We consider Previous participants of a process instance all those users that have interacted with the process instance (e.g. uploading a file, saving the process form, completing a task, approving a form, etc). That is, users that completed actions that can be seen in the process instance history. Who isn't considered a previous participant? Assignees to complete a particular task along the process and whom, for whatever reason, didn'tFew readersFormat Settings in Advanced Configuration
Once the account is created, there is some data that can be modified based on your preferred format settings. The formats that you can modify are the following: Date Format: In this field you can select between three different formats: yyyy/mm/dd dd/mm/yyyy mm/dd/yyyy Currency Symbol: The default currency symbol is '$', but you can select your own symbolFew readersProblem: exit conditions
Problem description When completing a task, the following message is shown: "Exit conditions are not set up correctly. Please contact your Administrator." What does this message mean? This message means that after the task you are trying to complete there are one or more exclusive or inclusive gateways that have exit conditions, but the process instance does not meet any of the conitions, which is why the process instance can't move forward. How to fix this? If you hFew readersHidden User Tasks in the inbox
What is a Hidden Task? Hidden Tasks are User Tasks that have been configured so that their instances are not shown in the Inbox. These instances could be opened by search or reports, and the permissions to edit and make decisions on them will be assigned as usual. When to use Hidden Tasks Hidden Tasks are useful when you need to leave a process instance paused for an indefinite period of time. Examples: Contracts: Once a contracFew readersDocuSign Integration
DocuSign is an electronic signature platform that allows you to sign any document, from a contract to a simple authorization, without the need to print, scan, or send physical documents by mail. The integration of DocuSign with Flokzu combines electronic signatures with the power of workflow automation, allowing organizations to achieve greater agility and competitiveness in digital work environments. What can you do with DocuSign? Imagine you want someoneFew readersIntegrating Zapier to connect your process with other web apps
What is ‘Zapier’? Zapier is a tool that allows you to link web applications (such as Salesforce, Dropbox, Gmail and Flokzu) in a simple way, so as to exchange information between them automatically. You can link apps (known as creating a ‘Zap’) by selecting one of them as the ‘trigger’ (the one that provides the information), and another app as the ‘action’ (the one that performs some action with the information received).PopularWhat is a 'Send Task'?
Send Tasks are those tasks that allow you to send emails to whomever you wish to in a completely automated way. To set up Send Tasks in the workflow, you only need to drag the event with an email icon and drop it in any part of the workflow. Name: The name sPopularWhat is a 'User Task'?
In User Tasks, an assigned user must complete a certain task (approve, review, reject, etc.). To edit a User Task, drag and drop the icon to the diagram and double click on it. The tabs of a User task are the following: Assignees: In this tab you must define which user/role must complete this task. Also, you may opt for dynamic assignation (See post). DecisPopularAssigning due dates to tasks and raising alerts when overdue.
Time management is very important in BPM, because it allows you to set due dates for the tasks that should be completed. If your organization has many users and the tasks to be completed by each one are diverse, it is preferable to set due dates to make sure that each task be completed in due time and manner. Read below how you can assign due dates to your organization’s tasks, as well as the different ways to assign due dates. Assign due dates to a task In Flokzu there are three ways toSome readersInclusive Gateway to parallelize the workflow
In many business processes, parallelism is essential. It allows tasks to be assigned that can be carried out simultaneously rather than sequentially. This approach is especially useful when the tasks are independent of one another. By introducing parallelism into the workflow, it becomes easier for different users to work on multiple tasks at the same time, leading to significant time savings. To implement parallelism in the workflow, an inclusive gateway is used in the process design. (httSome readersHow to automatically start a process? (Timer Start Event)
Some processes need to be triggered periodically or at a specific time/date. What happens if the person responsible for triggering a process forgets to do so? Or if he/she is not available? Wouldn’t it be better to schedule the process so that it starts automatically? Well, now in Flokzu you can do just that by using a Timer Start Event. Timer Start Events can be used instead of the traditional Start Event to set a specific date or cycle (e.g. every Monday at 9 a.m.) that will trigger the starSome readersHow to set up interruptive timers?
Interruptive timers can only be associated to User Tasks and must be defined in the process workflow. To use interruptive timers, set a due date to establish when a task should be completed as well as an alternative path in your flow. If the due date is reached and the task was not completed, the task will be cancelled and the flow will follow the path indicated by the timer. This means that the flow will follow what is reached first: the task or the due date that was established. TheSome readersHow to set up non-interruptive timers?
Non-interruptive timers can only be associated to User Tasks and must be defined in the process workflow. To use non-interruptive timers, set a due date to establish when a task should be completed as well as a parallel path in the flow. If the due date is reached and the task was not completed, the task will not be cancelled; rather, the flow will run in parallel by the path indicated through the timer and by the task the timer is associated to, which will remain active. The follSome readersInteracting with external participants
External participants This feature allows the interaction with participants that don't have a Flokzu account. If the task has been set up to obtain the assignees from a field, and in that field there is an email that doesn’t belong to the account, then that participant is considered as an external participant and he/she will receive an email with a link to participate (as long as this feature is enabled). External participants can't complete tasks, neither view form fields nor modify thSome readersWhat are 'Intermediate Timers'?
Unlike interruptive timers and non-interruptive timers, an intermediate timer allows you to delay the execution of a certain step of your process. Once the flow reaches an intermediate timer, it starts counting the time and the flow stops. Once the time interval is reached, the flow continues along its path. The feature is only available to Premium accounts and you can set it up like this: ( readersExclusive gateway to divide the flow
The exclusive gateway is a BPM element that allows you to divide the flow into exclusive paths according to the conditions that you define. This means that when the process instance reaches that point in the workflow, the defined conditions will be evaluated and, according to that result, the process instance will continue by one path or another.Some readersHow to define a due date for tasks?
The duration of a task must be defined in the workflow modeling. It is an optional configuration and it works independently for each task (you may define different durations for each task in your flow). To define a duration, place the pointer onto a particular task and double click on it. The task configuration window will open. Next, go to the ‘Due Date’ tab and click on the section shown in the image below. ( readersUser task assignment, fixed and dynamic.
There are several ways in which you can assign a User Task to be completed. Fixed assignation On the one hand, there is fixed assignation, where you assign a specific user or role to complete a certain User Task. By assigning a specific user, only that user will view in his/her Inbox the task to be completed. On the contrary, if you assign a role, all the users under that role will receive in their Inbox the task to be completed. Dynamic assignation Users or Roles Combo BoSome readersDocumentation and instructions in a User Task
In Flokzu you can add documentation to each User task of a process. What should I use it for? This section allows you to, among other things, add instructions for the assignees of a given task so that they can check if there are any procedures to complete a certain field, if they have to take special care about something, and any other thing you want to communicateSome readersFeatured fields and showing specific information in your Inbox
Featured fields Featured fields allow you to define certain fields and/or static text that will appear next to the reference of the process instance in your user's Inbox, searches, email notification of user comments, task assignations or notifications to complete tasks by email. To set up featured fields, you can follow the steps shown on the following gif image: ( readersReaders and process instance visibility at the process/task level.
There are two types of readers (people who can see a process instance): General Readers The users and or/roles to whom you give this permission will be able to view related process instances at any stage (even finalized instances). Readers when completed The users and/or roles to whom you give this permission will be able to view finalized process instances.Few readersHow to download the workflow diagram as an image?
You’ll probably want to export the workflow diagram at some point. You may want to send it to other members of your organization to get their feedback, or print it for a meeting or make notes… No matter the reason, working on the flowchart is an important part of managing your processes. In Flokzu you can export it directly from the process configuration, in the ‘Process Workflow’ tab: ( readersUpdating an instance to the lastest process version automatically
In Flokzu you have the option to update process instances to the last deployed version automatically when they're opened. This is useful when you want that the changes introduced in a process can be seen as soon as possible, to prevent users from being working on multiple versions of the same process. If, on the contrary, you don't want that process instances be updated automatically when they're openedFew readersInsert attachments in a Send Task
Can I insert attachments in a Send Task? Yes, you can. In the same way that you can insert form fields in the body of a Send Task, if you insert an attachment field in the body of the message, it will be attached to the Send Task. If you want to insert an attachment in a Send Task, simply start typing the attachment field name between . Example: Purchase order , which will attach the previously uploaded file intFew readers